Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tagged by Castor Oil

Here's how this tag works:
1. Go to the "My Pictures" folder on your computer
2. Upload the 4th picture from the 4th folder
3. Post the picture
4. Tag 4 othersHow cute is this?! Jimmy and his mom giving a kiss. We have lots of pictures and lots of folders that go waaaaay back! What a nice surprise this one was! Sorry, no gets tagged by me cause I only know Cassie and Krista with a blog. But, if you two want, I want you to look in your first folder and show me your sixth pic. Please sir, can I have another!


Cassie said...

I love this photo. What a beuty Jimmys mom is! She has the feathered red hair that I dream of...

Russ said...

Hey! This is Chow. Do you remember me? Well anyway, I was reading Cassie's blog and saw that she tagged someone named Shay. I thought Shay?
So I checked it out on her blog list and here you are! Nice to find you on here! How are you? we should e-mail. This is a little long for a comment. My e-mail is

Cassie said...

Tagged you! Go to my blog for further instructions.

Have I told you lately that I love you?... Yes? Ok then. You already know.